A few years ago a traveling salesman happened upon our porch and talked us into buying a set of educational books. Sugar was only 2 at the time and while PreacherMan was convinced we would be homeschooling; I was not so sure. Turns out these books are pretty great. From the time we bought them, Sugar has been captivated just thumbing thru the pages. We recently started reading the first book, Earth and Space, as our science course. It seems to be right on age level for K-1st grade. There are lots of engaging full-color graphics, interesting facts, fun vocabulary words and projects to do at home. The first couple lessons talked about our planet and the geography here. We took this one step further by exploring our solar system.
First we found a fun book to read.
Then we made our own solar system out of balloons, fishing line and a tension rod.
No, our system does not have a sun....the big yellow one, Jupiter, was supposed to be the sun but then I realized nothing was to scale either. Oh well, the kids love it! Oh and when I was growing up Pluto was a planet and it just didn't seem right with only 8 planets. :)
Next we made them out of play-doh. This was lots of fun too!
And we learn lots of cool words like asteroid, meteorite and orbit.
Our Bible study group happened to have great timing as well. That same week we watched Louie Giglio's Indescribable. And it truly was, indescribable!
MadCounty Mama