Sunday, February 6, 2011

Homemade Pinata

Last year I decided to make a pinata for Sugar's 3rd birthday.  It seemed easy enough when I had done it in elementary, surely I could handle it as a mom of 2! Let's just say it was not as pretty as first imagined and a whole lot more involved than I remembered.  This year I was determined to make life simple and buy a pinata.  That is until my almost 4 year old asked if we could make a homemade pinata.  I just couldn't say no. =)

So with a bit more wisdom I began the project a a few days earlier than I had the year before.  Who knew you would need at least 3 days to let each paper mache layer dry? I did and I felt confident that this time around the process would go much smoother and quicker than before.
The paper mache part did go quickly and without event.
And then this brilliant mama decided to go all out with the decorations. (I'm starting to hate brilliant ideas!)

The party was Dinosaur Train theme so in a effort to make things "simple" I decided to make the pinata a dino egg.  After 7 1/2 hours of decorating I simple gave up with the tedious job off tiny pieces of tissue paper strategically placed and covered the rest of it in pink.  Pink makes me smile.

And so did watching my son happily beat on that dinosaur egg at his 4th birthday party.

And just for kicks...his train cake:

Homemade doesn't have a price, it's priceless!

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